Phone message

Seven out of ten Brits, according to one of those endless surveys someone somewhere is always churning out, spend more than a minute on hold when calling a business. While they are being held against their will, they are often subjected to a blast of hideously inappropriate music: Tina Turner’s Simply The Best is an enduring favourite. Some firms – notably Virgin Media – let you choose the kind of music you have to listen to. That sounds helpful but it does raise the question: how long does this company expect to hang on?

Greenhouse Graphics ( ) has gone on better, replacing the strains of over-familiar music with targeted, relevant messages that let listeners know about current promotions, product offerings and why the company – one of a few communications agencies to gain EMAS accreditation – is so darn green. The company is working with PH Media which provides what it calls audio-branding services to 11,000 clients.


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