EFI Nozomi C18000 certified Fogra compliant

The EFI Nozomi C18000 single-pass corrugated printer has been certified Fogra compliant - the first such printer to do so.
The high-speed direct-to-board digital printer passed the Fogra Process Standard Digital Print Check this summer. Dr Andreas Kraushaar, head of the Fogra Research Institute for Media Technologies, prepress, and his research team tested the LED-inkjet corrugated printer at EFI industrial printing facilities in Almassora, Spain, verifying the Nozomi C18000 printer's output process control, colour fidelity and workflow. The Fogra team tested against the FOGRA39 standard, as well as the GRACoL/SWOP standard from US industry association Idealliance, and determined that the printer successfully passed all the tests and requirements. The PSD Print Check is part of the ISO/TS 15311-2 based Fogra PSD. For the Nozomi test Fogra reviewed a typical print job for colour consistency, uniformity, detail sharpness and print run stability, in compliance with the requirements defined by PSD.

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