I think we’ve got it!

In this Leader column a couple of months ago I was bewailing the fact that our print trade associations don’t tend to market this sector very well, and that we need a stronger voice and more cohesive action when it comes to making more of this sector’s potential and getting possibilities in front of creatives etc. – in general, telling the wider world what we’re all about. It will be interesting to see how this month’s Fespa Printeriors showcase and conference for the creative sector helps get the message across, but perhaps we all need to be doing a bit more ourselves to ‘cross-fertilise’ with those beyond our own ken. After all, building business is not just about getting our own message out there, but letting messages flow back in.

Most of the PSPs I talk to nowadays seem to have foregone the closed-shop attitude and embrace conversations with others that could fuel their business development. The Widthwise 2015 Report, distributed with this issue and available online (www.imagereportsmag.co.uk/widthwise), underlines why – a desire to expand the service offering and enter/grow new markets. Opening our doors, and minds, to a wider range of people and possibilities is therefore key.

And it’s why it’s worth taking a particular look at the interview in this issue with John Kampfner, CEO of the new Creative Industries Federation. He is very clear about the need for cross-fertilisation between the various ‘creative’ sectors – and that includes print – if they are to flourish amid international competition. He wants you on board, and is offering money off membership until the end of June. Details at the bottom of the feature.

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