I couldn’t resist that header on the 4 July! But cheesy pun that it is there is a serious question behind it - which is, how do you think the sector’s small family-owned businesses are going to fare over the next few months given the economic situation? The data from this year’s Widthwise survey indicates an optimism among PSPs - you’ll be able to read the full report very soon! – but how many of them think they’re going to have to let go of their independence and become part of bigger entities?

You will notice that the latest ‘Suppliers’ Say So’ blog isn’t from anyone with anything to do with the print industry - it’s from a chap heading global sales, service and marketing at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. But I thought it worth directing your attention to what he has to say about digital transformation as in his own words, “by sharing these experiences, we believe we can help other organisations that are just embarking or that are facing challenges on their own transformational journeys”. May be worth a look-see.

Apparently it’s National Insurance Awareness Day tomorrow, 28 June. According to Christophe Bourguignat, CEO of insurance tech provider Zelros, “thanks to how AI is being used in the insurance industry, insurance companies can now proactively update risk categories more quickly than ever, to better match each and every personal situation meaning your policy needs have likely changed.” So, do you reckon having another look at your insurance could save you money? Just thought it a timely ask.

Data in a report from iCompario showing how much companies could save by switching to electric transport makes me wonder how many of you have already made the switch - and if so, whether you are seeing the kind of significant savings it states can be made. Just thought I’d flag it up given we’re all trying to make whatever savings we can…

Working from home certainly has its benefits and not having to catch a train this week is one of them. But then I’m not in a manufacturing environment! Wondering how you will manage this week with all the planned rail disruption. Can you operate effectively and efficiently under your Plan B?

It’s great to see media ‘eco calculators’ springing up that will help you compare and contrast the environmental credentials of the various print materials. I’d be interested in hearing how helpful you think these tools are/will be in the conversations you have with your clients.

I personally have a lot of time for the US-based Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP), which has announced it will be holding its 2022 Sustainability Summit on 20 July in Boston, with the theme ‘The Power of Sustainable Print in the Digital World’. I daresay that flying to the US to attend is something of an eco no-no (for ‘eco’ read economic as well as environmental) but I reckon we would do well to have a look at the programme and replicate some of the discussion over here.

By the time you read this Fespa Global 2022 will have been and gone. Did you make the trip, and if so, did you see anything that opened your eyes to new opportunities - and/or efficiencies? The next obvious question is, if so, can you afford the investment, or maybe more to the point, can you afford not to make it? For those of you thinking you could do with a helping hand on the finance front can I suggest you read what Compass Business Finance director David Bunker has to say in this month’s Talking Point interview. You may well be buoyed by his comments.

Here’s hoping you’re also getting a lift by what’s happening in terms of software developments and integrations that mean large-format PSPs have more opportunity than ever to gather and analyse data from across the whole of their operations - and to use that intelligence to become more efficient and profitable. Turn to p14 for a feature that delves into the situation. And while we’re talking software, the Zietgeist feature this issue focusses on no-code tools - what they are and how their use could benefit your business. They seem a no brainer!

As always, environmental issues get an airing too. Given the volume of ‘eco’ consumables hitting the wide-format print market it’s easy to think that ‘green’ considerations are all that are on the inks and media R+D agenda. But is that the case? You can read what the suppliers have to say starting on p18. Then you can get MacroArt MD Michael Green’s take on PSPs recovering used print for recycling, and read what MediaCo operations director Stephen Arthur has to say about being a truly sustainable print provider.

In a sector that never stands still, here’s to a summer of happy activity.

Are you spending much on new systems for your business this year? If so, and you would be interested in talking to me for coverage in the 2022 Widthwise Report, please get in touch as l’ll be conducting editorial interviews over the next couple of weeks with wide-format PSPs in regards to their strategic investment plans. Thank you.

Well, did you party like no-one was watching over the jubilee bank holiday? If so, was it because you made a nice little profit from it? I’m assuming some of you must have. I’d love to see piccies of what you produced for the celebrations.

I just want to wish all of you heading out to Berlin for the start of Fespa Global tomorrow a decent journey and a worthwhile visit. Let me know if there’s anything that particularly catches your eye, and why! I’ll bring you news of launches as they happen - keep your eye on the www.imagereportsmag.co.uk homepage.

Companies have always worked together to deliver products and services that benefit the end customer and the partners involved, but we are certainly seeing more teaming up now – and making a point of announcing it – than we have before as the game changes and everyone jostles for advantage. ‘Partnership’ has become something of an overused word, often not reflecting the true nature of the relationship it’s referencing, but however it’s used I think we’re in for a lot more to come. Agree?

A new IoT solution to track people and assets has been launched by Actility, Abeeway and Favendo. The partner solution - called The Evaluation Kit - provides you with the required hardware, software, support and assistance on its implementation. The promise is that it delivers almost real-time data on the location of employees working off-site. Thought I’d highlight it - and ask if you already use anything similar?

Are your employees entitled to be paid for the upcoming Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday? The answer to that can be quite involved. However, law firm Rowberry Morris has prepared a guide that you may find useful. To that end I’ve uploaded it to the Image Reports website - it can be found at: https://bit.ly/3wxFHPE

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