In support of Think Bigger

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Inaugural ‘Think Bigger Report’ this spring to explore and develop the relationship between ‘creatives’ and the wide- format print sector. Here Graham Leeson, head of European communications, graphic systems, Fujifilm Europe, explains why the company has got behind the project.


What is it about the Think Bigger project that resonates with Fuji and its goals as a manufacturer in the wide-format print sector?

We’re extremely passionate about expanding the understanding of how powerful print can be as a communications medium and raising awareness of its almost limitless potential. The partnership with Image Reports on the Think Bigger Report provides the perfect vehicle with which to further develop the much needed communication channels between the print and creative industries

What do you think the printing industry - and specifically the wide-format print sector - can do to make sure it remains a relevant and vibrant part of the marketing communications mix in the multichannel landscape?

Alongside communicating the benefits through initiatives like this, the main thing the industry can do is to continue to innovate as rapidly as it has over the past decade. Recent advances in wide- format print technology have happened at an astounding rate and the amazing applications that we see our customers create on a daily basis really have to be seen to be believed. Print has a vital and engaging role to play in any multi-faceted marketing campaign, sitting alongside and complementing a whole range of digital activities.

Graham Leeson from Fujifilm.What can we do as an industry to better communicate the innovation and creativity available from print service providers to the sectors we serve?

I think the industry as a whole underestimates the value of what it produces. We see it every day and take for granted just how impressive some of it actually is, and how it can stand out in an increasingly diverse media landscape. We need to share best practice and not be afraid to shout about our achievements. The only way to innovate is to learn from others and experiment. What one company starts, another can progress even further.

How is the printing technology manufactured by Fuji going to support continued innovation by print service providers?

With one of the industry’s largest R&D spends on inkjet technologies across wide-format, commercial and packaging print segments, we’re going to be right at the forefront of developments that help steer the inkjet explosion into bigger and better things. In spite of its rapid growth in wide-format, inkjet is still in its infancy, relatively speaking, and there’s no limit to the types of industries and applications that will be able to make use of current and forthcoming inkjet technologies. The sky really is the limit!

What innovative use of wide-format print has inspired you while travelling across the world?

Building wraps and the dressing-up of temporary structures still impress me, because of the sheer scale, although this is more about extending the reach of applications than pure innovation. I’ve also seen some great examples of wide-format print being used for stunning interiors as a way of tying in with a product launch or differentiating an existing brand offering like a café, to perhaps tie in with an event. In the retail world, engagement is key and the opportunities to use wide format print to bring a multi-channel story to life are limitless.

What do you think the future holds for the wide-format printing sector?

The future’s definitely bright for the sector. Last year’s successful Fespa event in London showcased the innovative and inspiring print that’s already out there, and I’m convinced that there’s much, much more to come.

You can read the Think Bigger Reporthere.

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