Roland brings out VersaWorks 6 Rip software

Roland DG has released its VersaWorks 6 Rip and print management software for inkjet printers and printer/cutters.
It provides 64-bit native support to maximise performance from the latest 64-bit operating systems, for improved processing of complicated data, including complex vectors and multiple layers. To further streamline workflows, five print queues each offer unlimited saved settings for recurring jobs, clients and media. PDF files can be processed natively to render transparencies, drop shadows and other special effects the way they are intended to look in the design. Plus, a colour matching function ensures consistent colour when using multiple printers of the same model and ink configuration. As of November, VersaWorks 6 Rip software will be bundled with the Roland DG inkjet printers and printer/cutter models listed below. From 30 October it is available as a free upgrade for existing users (EMEA) with the listed models. - Soljet Pro 4 XR-640 - TrueVis VG-640 / 540, SG-540 / 300 - VersaCamm VS-640i / 540i / 300i, SP-540i / 300i - VersaStudio BN-20 - Soljet EJ-640 - VersaExpress RF-640 - VersaUV LEC-540 / 330 - VersaUV LEF-300 / 200 / 20 / 12 / 12i - VersaUV LEJ-640 - VersaUV S-Series LEC-330S-F200, LEJ-640S-F200 / LEJ-640S-F300 / LEJ-640S-F400, LEC-330S-B150, LEJ-640S-B150 / LEJ-640S-B250 - Texart RT-640 - VersaWorks 6 will also support the following cutters: Camm-1 GR-640 / 540/ 420, Camm -1 GS-24, Camm -1 Pro GX-640 / 500 / 400 / 300, Camm -1 GX-24.

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