SEDO embarks on youth initiative

Wide-format print kit supplier South East Drawing Office (SEDO) has appointed two apprentices and sponsored a youth football team to get print in front of young people as a career option.

Adam Keys joins the company as a print apprentice via a BPIF scheme, while business administration apprentice Mollie Argent reports to Denise Forsdyke, administration manager in a wide-ranging role. 

“Print has everything as an industry: inventiveness, superb machinery, digitisation and, most importantly, creativity,” said SEDO director Andy McGuinness. “Without effective promotion to children at school and those starting to consider their career from age 14 onwards, they simply won’t see print as a career path. SEDO believes that we have to address this issue now, which is why we are committed to supporting a younger workforce and to our close ties with the BPIF, which has helped make that a reality.”

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