20/20 contracted to help encourage visitors to medieval catherdrals

20/20 contracted to help encourage visitors to medieval catherdrals

Cornish design and build company 20/20 has been contracted to address interpretation and wayfinding needs at Salisbury Cathedral and Bishops Palace and Gardens in Wells as part of a plan to get more tourists to explore medieval cathedrals in Britain.

David Coulthard from Salisbury Cathedral said: "Salisbury Cathedral is known worldwide and is a centre of pilgrimage for hundreds of thousands of visitors every year as well as being the mother church of the Salisbury Diocese. As such, interpretative displays and orientation signage need to be sympathetic to the environment and of the highest quality, but also capable of changing their function quickly in this very busy space.  After a careful selection process we are delighted to be working with 20/20 who displayed a great deal of experience in this area and the ability to find innovative solutions that we hadn't thought of. We look forward to the results."

Whilst their work with Salisbury Cathedral takes in all of the design, fabrication and installation stages both externally and internally, 20/20's work with Bishop's Palace focuses on developing external interpretation, working alongside the Bishop's Palace Trust's museum designer - Henry Lyndsay, to develop the original design concepts. 


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