Antalis supports Cap COP 21 climate change initiative

Paper and packaging merchant Antalis will join organisations committed to the environmental cause in supporting Cap COP 21, a series of events to help protect the environment. The initiative, organised in the run up to the United Nations Framework convention on Climate Change conference (COP 21), includes meetings, informative events and discussion forums which will be held in the run-up to the main conference, which will take place in Paris, France in December 2015.

Commenting on the Antalis Group's commitment to partner the initiative, Oliver Guichardon, CSR director at Sequana, parent company of Antalis said: “Climate change is a global issue, for which we must find solutions at the local level. The paper industry is often singled out, even though it has in fact made huge efforts to protect the environment. This is one of the messages that we will communicate at Cap COP 21.”

“This is an opportunity for Antalis to present the many measures it takes to protect the environment,” added Matthew Botfield, environment manager at Antalis UK. “We will be able to highlight best practices and to make sure that the voice of the paper industry is heard as it is often wrongly accused of being the main culprit of deforestation.”

The first in the series of events is a panel discussion today and themed 'Businesses and climate change: what innovations can combat the crisis?'. The series will draw to a close with a major European study on how climate issues are perceived by European citizens.

For more information on the Cap COP 21 initiative, go to

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