Leach and Blueberry donate £2,000 worth of PPE

Yorkshire firms Leach and Blueberry Marketing Solutions (BMS) have teamed up to manufacture and donate face shields to over 30 care sector facilities across the region.
Leeds-based BMS approached Leach and donated in excess of £2,000 to cover the costs of production and distribution of visors in light of the PPE shortage. 350 visors have now been manufactured and donated to care homes and sheltered services. Faresh Maisuria, managing director at Blueberry Marketing Solutions, said: “We’ve all seen the stories in the news around the PPE shortages and it’s heartbreaking. After hearing that Leach were manufacturing PPE, we decided to donate some to care providers locally. It’s important for Blueberry to do our bit, give back to the community and show our appreciation for the terrific contribution care workers are making on the frontline.” Michael Trevethan, marketing manager at Leach, added: “Like many organisations, we’ve had to adapt our business model during these difficult times, while also seeing an opportunity to support essential industries and key workers. We were initially approached by an NHS Trust about our capabilities, and quickly make the decision to produce all PPE equipment at cost. For those firms which remain open - and those reopening in months ahead – we’ve also introduced a range of social distancing graphics to help businesses adjust to life post-lockdown. So far, the response has been fantastic and we’re just glad to be doing our bit and able to make a difference.”

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