Drupa to run AI focused Imaging Summit

An ‘Imaging Summit’ will take place for the first time at Drupa this year, as part of the ‘Drupa next age’ feature. The summit will take place 30-31 May and comprise 20-minute talks on the most important topics - especially AI - at the interface between imaging technologies and printing.

Andreas Jürgensen, founder of AI Imagelab will provide an overview on the current status of AI-generated images and look at tools and workflows. In another talk he will outlines possible print products of the future as a result of the new generative AI capabilities:

Sarah, Lefebvre, director of marketing at EyeQ Imaging (creator of imaging software Perfectly Clear) will show the advances AI has made in recent years and look at real-world cases and their impact on the printing industry.

Dennis Oberfeld, Google cloud/customer engineer, will speak about how AI is supercharging the image creation process.

Servi Pieters, CEO of Viesus, will present the talk ‘Prints enhanced in the blink of an AI’.  

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