Are you a wrap artist?

Are you a wrap artist?

16 September is the deadline for entries to the Contra Vision Third International Wrap Artists Competition, designed to reward innovative and creative see-through graphics with the prizes to be awarded at SGIA 2011 Expo in the US.

Competition entries must fall into one of five categories; best building wrap, vehicle wrap, retail graphic, interior design and the best non-perforated see-through graphic. The details and entry form will be available to download at where there will also be regular competition updates.

All entries must have been commercially produced and can be submitted by either the project creative designer or design imager with the prize going either to the design or imaging company. The prizes will be announced at the 2011 SGIA Expo in New Orleans and will take the form of a specially commissioned modern glass sculpture by an internationally renowned artist and the overall winner will additionally receive cash and travel prizes. 

Terms, conditions and entry forms can be found at


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