Cestrian recognised as an inspiration to Britain

Cestrian has been recognised as one of the ‘1,000 Companies to Inspire Britain’ in a report by the London Stock Exchange and the Daily Telegraph. The report noted that, out of 4.5m SMEs in Britain, only a handful have continued to grow, outperform their peers, deliver results and generate job creation despite the economic downturn. Cestrian is one.

Cheshire-based Cestrian recorded turnover figures of £10m and £12m in 2012 and 2013 respectively, with a 20% growth in staff levels.

The business was co-founded in 1991 by Phill Reynolds. He said: “We are absolutely delighted to have been recognised in this prestigious report by the London Stock Exchange, and the accolade is a glowing reflection of the hard work by our passionate and driven team.

“Cestrian continues to go from strength to strength, and, despite the financial climate we are still recruiting for further team members and winning new business.”

Find out more from Cestrian. www.cestrian.co.uk

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